17 May 2023

Longer intermission

Regretfully, I have decided to put this blog on hold for the time being - probably until April 2024.  I have been diagnosed with a serious illness and need to focus on my health over the next several months.  I will hopefully resume my posts from where I left off next year.  Thank you for reading.


  1. Very saddened to see this but absolutely, your health comes first. The very best of wishes and thoughts with your challenges and look forward to seeing you again next year. Thanks for giving so many of us so much joy.

  2. Hello, all the blest, so you feel well soon, and thank you for your earlier work. We love it! Greetings from Europe.

  3. Hello, all the blest, so you feel well soon, and thank you for your earlier work. We love it! Greetings from Europe.

  4. Only just saw this. What a pity. Hope it's not irreversible and you'll get well eventually (and sooner rather than later). All the very best to you!


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